How do you learn to draw a cow ?
I started with copying the heads of cows on various photos (my own and some in a cow book).
Actually, the hardest part of the cow is the head (the hardest part to draw, I mean).
And the hardest part about the head (again, to draw) are the ears.








The first two heads from the left in the row below are drawn from real-life models, Prim'Holstein cows at the Agricultural Fair
in Paris. I started drawing one cow's head but she then put it down to eat some hay, so I took her unmoving neighbour,
a brown-spotted Holstein as a model. Looking from the cow to my sketchpad and back I didn't see the hay coming.
All of a sudden, the first cow dumped a mouthful of hay on my sketchpad (and there is still some in my kneadable eraser
which fell down when I moved in surprise). I am convinced she did it on purpose, either because she thought the drawing
didn't resemble her (which I admit it didn't, as I wasn't using her as a model) or because she was angry I'd moved on
to her neighbour...
I love cows!









When I thought I got it, I moved on to legs - front legs and hind legs are sensibly different, and hind legs are the more difficult of the two.








Udders and tails aren't tricky, nor are the black spots of the Holstein - so here are my first "full cows".
The center one is too long. And the one on the left is the first cow I did without any model at all!



Now the cows below I had a lot of fun drawing at the International Agricultural Fair in Paris - life cows close up, I thought.
The right one, as her name indicates, is Pastelle - a fitting name for a drawn cow, although I only used graphite pencils.
The one in the center is actually two cows, the body is that of Palmhera, a Norman, but she wouldn't hold her head still
(the part of a cow that moves the most when the tail is not required to scare flies away), so I moved on to Poupée,
one of her neighbours and of course also a Norman.
The one on the left I can't remember at all, I think I drew her from memory at home. I know her front legs are too short,
but I'd started her before the Fair and then did Pastelle too closely underneath, so when I wanted to finish her, there wasn't enough
space left for the legs...



Carried away after some ear studies, here are two cows I did in a single evening:

